It was Tuesday morning when I was rushed into Makati Medical Center's Emergency room due to unbearable pain in my abdomen that is radiating to my back and very frequent urination. They had to extract some blood and urine for some examinations including pregnancy test. It's an awkward feeling answering questions "any chance of being pregnant?" Duh! haha! The result of blood test was not okay, having 14,000 of infection in my blood. The doctor advised us not to go home, therefore I was admitted. Later in the afternoon I had to undergo an ultrasound to examine my kidney and gallbladder. Thank God there were no inflammation nor gall stones. Antibiotics all throughout day and night. On the third day of my hospitalization, I was diagnosed of having acute pyelonephritis. Acute pyelonephritis, in layman's term is kidney infection. I know it's a serious matter that's why changing of lifestyle is very needed. Turning away from alcohol, instant and junk foods is no joke. It's like missing half of my eLBi life, but it's my life at stake so I should better have a healthy lifestyle. I was impressed by MMC's facilities, doctors and nurses. They are professional and very kind to the patients. I also love having Dairy Queen, Burger King and Pizza hut inside the hospital because it has been very beneficial to me. Hihi. May I also commend the food since it was the best, so far hospital food I'd ever taste.
I want to thank my family and friends who spent some time to visit and pray for my health. I was discharged Friday afternoon and now continously taking my meds. And, my apetite was back!! Yey for that!
Merry Chrismas! :)